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Cob courses, school workshops and cob commissions
For hands-on experience in advanced techniques in
Cob Building
Building a cob spiral shower
Tadelakt plastering (on cob spiral shower)
Building a round cedar shingle roof
Building a cob dome roof
You will get hands on experience of all these exciting methods as well a recap on cob and chance to share your cob experiences.

Day One - building a cob spiral shower cubicle.
After a quick introduction and recap on the cob mix, we will learn the pure joy of curving cob into a beautiful shower compartment, honing down your cob skills on levelling, shaping and sculpting to produced a delicious curved structure, similar to the one above. As usual there will be plenty of time to ask questions and discuss your own projects.
Day Two - Tadelakt Plaster
We will plaster our beautifully made cob spiral shower cubicle with tadelakt plaster.
You will learn all about this amazing method of lime plastering from Morocco. Tadelakt is a plastering art form. It uses a specially shaped stone in a very specific method at exactly the right time to rub olive oil soap into the tadelakt plaster to form a waterproof layer suitable to wet rooms and even bathtubs.

Days three and four
In these exciting days you will learn much more depth and higher level skills on roofing, and you will get some hands experience at building a round roof including laying some beautiful cedar shingle tiles.
Bee hive recently completed at the Eden project, with cedar shingle roof.
One method of making a dome roof in cob is to weave a sort of huge basket on top of the cob wall and then fill it in with cob. We shall be attempting this and also looking at other methods of making a dome roof in cob, including using pre dried cob bricks, and free styling it using plywood as a guide.